
Roger speaks on social media panel at WNA conference

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Roger speaks on social media panel at WNA conference

I was asked by a colleague at RiverTown Multimedia if I would be willing to speak at the WNA Conference in Middleton Wisconsin in regards to social media, and I agreed. Every year newspapers from around Wisconsin get together and learn from each other, present awards for the best stories, photos, and overall excellence of the newspapers in their state. This year I will be touching base on the best uses/practices of social media in the newsroom as well as some ideas on how to ensure they are using social media effectively, some of the ethics behind social media in the newsroom, and what can be done to maximize effectiveness on limited resources..

Description of panel discussion

Social Media: Everybody’s Doing It

How are newsrooms managing their staff use of social media? What’s appropriate content for a reporter’s Twitter posts, and where do we draw the line between personal and professional use of social media?


I will also be available to speak with newspapers from around the region in regards a handful of topics listed in the sign-up sheet below. It is an honor to be a part of the event and I”m looking forward to it.


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